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My New Year Resolutions

I would like to share a piece of me with you. I have been blogging before, but usually I keep my ego under the carpet. This time I want...

I don't do gym. I do YOGA

Why yoga? You hear the word “yoga” and you see this in your mind: Or you think of yoga like this: And you are like: “Yeah, all those...

Sustainable Healing

My food is my medicine. My body is my training ground. Yoga is my therapist. The story starts with my very first boyfriend. With his...

Fearing to Be Born Again?

Birthdays. That day of the year when you enter people’s minds whom you’ve long not heard from, when people smile at you and wish you a...

Effortless Existence

Ideally when we do yoga we want to be light and effortless. The idea is that we practice diligently with consistency and reach a state...

Yoga and Mental Health

It is a widely discussed topic and many of my students say that they come to yoga class because they want to work on their mental health....

Healing Through Yoga

I mentioned it before that yoga is my way of healing. But the topic itself is so broad. Healing from what? How? From physical pain?...

"Can I start doing yoga?"

Is yoga really for all? Many people ask me if they can start doing yoga and without any hesitation I say “yes!” right away. Yoga can be...


The word yama means: abstinence, the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something. They deal with the ethical...


We all have them, we all need to deal with them yet most of us ignore them in hope of them disappearing one day. Magically. I am guilty....

What Yoga Means to Me

What is Yoga? If you look at the meaning of the word, yoga means "union" (coming from the word yuk = to unite). There are many different...

Blog: Blog2
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